Monday, October 3, 2011

10 Signs Your New Cell Phone is Just Too Big

For years, cell phones got smaller and smaller. Some of them were so small that you could hardly see them in the palm of a teenage girl. As the phones have gotten ‘smarter’, they seem to be growing bigger again. Here are ten signs that your new cell phone is just TOO BIG.

  1. Doesn’t fit your pocket – When your cell phone can no longer be slipped into your pocket, because it doesn’t fit, you can definitely note that as a sign of an overgrown cell phone.
  2. Big and Tall – If your specific cell phones is often promoted in the Big and Tall men’s stores, there may be a reason for that. Big, tall men may prefer a big, tall phone.
  3. Makes your belt droop – If your cell phone hanging on your belt starts to drag your belt down, it may be another sign that your cell phone is getting a bit heftier than the ones you used to carry.
  4. Chiropractor visits – Are your chiropractor visits increasing? Does he tell you that your spine is beginning to lean to the right? It may be due to carrying that new big cell phone around all day.
  5. Considering a ‘man purse’ – Have those shoulder bags for men been looking more appealing lately? Or are you considering buying a fanny pack to wear around your waist to hold that cell phone? Symptoms of an overly large cell phone, I’m afraid.
  6. Mistaken as a pistol holster – Did you get thrown up against the wall by the security guard when you walked into your bank? He mistook that large leather pouch on the side of your belt for a gun holster, didn’t he? He’s never seen such a big cell phone holder has he?
  7. Mistaken for an e-reader – Has anyone ever mistaken your phone for an e-reader and asked you what book you were reading? That can happen with one of these large cell phones.
  8. Bicep bulge – Is the bicep on your cell phone arm starting out grow the other arm? I guess you need to start switching hands that you carry it in so that you even up those arm muscles.
  9. Turning heads – When you have your cell phone to your ear, do you see people taking a second look? When your cell phone covers half your face, it does tend to take people by surprise.
  10. Mistaken for the remote – Have you picked up your cell phone and tried to change the channel on the television lately? That can happen with these larger cell phones, too.

The digital world can be a bit confusing. They work so hard to shrink things down as small as they can get them. Then they start packing them full of as much data and functionality that they can fit, until they have to start growing them larger again.

Will the larger cell phones be the new ‘normal’ for our cell phones? I strongly doubt it. Our cell phones have become too much a part of our daily lives. Personally, I’m looking for the one that simply fits in an ear piece and works totally by voice command.

Taken From Wireless Internet Reviews

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