Tuesday, May 8, 2012

7 Tips to Help Kids Hold It

Children can be counted upon as a lifelong source of pride, joy and love. They can also be counted on to need a potty break at the absolute worst times. When you’re confronted with one of those instances, you need to have a Plan B, because Plan A – actually having a bathroom handy – isn’t always an option. Here are ten tips for you to help them deal with it:

  1. Keep the child occupied with an activity that will distract them for awhile. Until you can get to a bathroom, the subterfuge will not only buy you some time, but stretch the child’s bladder a bit so that he can last longer between potty visits.
  2. Offer your child incentives for holding out a little longer each time until they need less frequent breaks. It could be a gift or a special privilege that helps his willpower and keeps him going – that is without actually going.
  3. One way of “holding it” is to provide a little backup, in the form of these. Pull-Ups® come in several varieties, including Little Swimmers® for use in the pool or at the beach. When you know you’ll be somewhere that the little one can’t take a break, having these along can be a real blessing.
  4. Limit your child’s liquid consumption during time spent away from restroom facilities. Her need to go is directly linked to how much her bladder is holding; so the less she drinks, the less pressure she’ll feel to empty it.
  5. Make sure your kid has had ample opportunity to take a potty break before setting out on an extended trip, or spending time away from a bathroom. You’ll need to make fewer unscheduled stops, and your child will enjoy the trip much more – which means so will you.
  6. Practice developing your child’s bladder control gradually on a regular basis. Help him to wait just a few minutes longer each time he feels the need to go. As he learns to wait just a bit longer, his bladder will grow in capacity, thus reducing the number of trips needed each day – and overnight.
  7. Be a role model. Let them know that you need to go too, but you’re able to hold it like a big girl until you get to a bathroom. You could provide the example the kid needs to help her hold her shaky little knees together. Now get to a bathroom, for Pete’s sake.
Taken From Babysitters

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