Monday, February 13, 2012

10 Reasons College Kids Call Home for Help

You’ve sent your kids off to college and, as much as you’ll miss them, you’re really looking forward to the peace and quiet. Good luck with that. There are a whole host of reasons that’s not likely to happen, we are sorry to inform you. But look on the bright side, you’ll be sure to stay in touch with them. Without further ado, here is our list of 10 reasons college kids call home for help:

  1. Need money. Be honest, you expected this. One way to avoid the unexpected phone call is to buy your kid a debit card, and keep it filled. You can work out the details ahead of time, like the available balance and deposit schedule.
  2. Car broke down. Depending on what’s wrong, if it’s not under warranty, this could be expensive. The debit card option might alleviate such unexpected expenses. That is, if there’s anything left after paying for textbooks, clothes, food, and gas.
  3. Tuition problems. Rare are the times when things go smoothly with registration. Sometimes that includes tuition snafus, so be prepared for that panic call.
  4. Roommate issues. Sometimes all they want is a sympathetic ear to hear their frustrations. College life is a big adjustment; and if this is the first time your child has had to share a room, it could be a bit bumpy at first.
  5. Need furniture or personal belongings from home. Once your child gets settled and figures out the lay of the land, so to speak, she may decide she wants to have a bit more of home in her new home.
  6. Need references for a job. If your kid decides to take on some part-time work to help with expenses, it may entail getting a few names and phone numbers for personal references.
  7. Arrested – It’s not like it happens all the time, you understand, but it has been know to. On the bright side, your kid will more likely be arrested during a sit-in to protest tuition costs.
  8. Expelled or suspended from school. – You raise them right, you teach them right from wrong, and what happens? Probably nothing; at least not to your kid, right?
  9. Plane tickets. – Our guess is that this phone call isn’t going to be all that much of a bother to you. Money well-spent, we’re sure.
  10. Homesickness – If only you could send a hug over the phone. As heartbreaking as it may be to know that they’re feel lonely, remember that it’s equally heartwarming to know that you are missed, and that they’re going to be okay.
Taken From Home Phone Service

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