The principle behind the bestseller Rich Dad, Poor Dad was that people teach their kids about everything except how to make money. The reason for this is probably because few adults know much about money themselves. In this tough economy, it's time we all got a little financial education, and Twitter is a great place to start looking. If you're not familiar with Twitter chats, it's just an online conversation with other Twitter users using the same hashtags. These 15 chats are a great, free way to learn more about the almighty dollar.
- #AdvisorChat: If you're a bit of a night owl you can join this chat about managing investments and financial planning. Financial professionals and laypeople meet up on Twitter at 11 p.m. EST every Tuesday. The chat is run by wealth management pro and Chicago native Jennifer Baty, also known as @JenBaty.
- #AllStartups: This chat is operated by @AllStartups and @NeilCauldwell, founder of free chat client Nurph. The chat imparts Cauldwell's and other's knowledge of the financial side of startup businesses. Find it every Friday at quittin' time, 5pm Eastern.
- #CEOKidsChat: If there's anybody who has to have a strong awareness of finances, it's CEOs. Dr. Jerry Cook and his wife Sarah of @RaisingCEOKids aim to arm you with all the knowledge you need to train your kids in entrepreneurship at an early age. One week the chat topic was "3 Tips for Talking to Your Kids About Money." Go back and check it out and stay tuned every Thursday at 8:30 p.m. EST.
- #Collegecash: If the kind of financial education you need is how to get free money, check out the Twitter chat #Collegecash. It's a weekly chat designed to inform you of ways to find and lock down financial aid and scholarships for college. heads up this chat, and it's Thursdays at 10 p.m. EST.
- #crechat: The housing market can be a confusing area of finance to people who aren't connected to the industry. To learn more about issues related to housing, follow along with this weekly commercial real estate chat moderated by real estate investment pro Jason Sandquist. It's 2pm EST on Fridays.
- #Dailydealchat: Getting good deals is something everyone is concerned with these days. Your mom clipped coupons, but you use Groupon. For discussion of all things related to daily deals, click over to #dailydealchat on Thursdays at 1pm EST to chat with merchants, other consumers, and reps from major daily deal websites.
- #Dealchat: This chat's headed up by none other than @frugalista, the Twitter handle for Natalie P. McNeal, author of The Frugalista Files: How One Woman Got Out of Debt Without Giving Up the Fabulous Life. If getting out of debt appeals to you (and we're guessing it does), join the conversation Wednesdays from 8-8:30 EST, only on Twitter.
- #freelanceChat": Doing freelance work is becoming more and more appealing to out-of-work professionals who can't locate a decent job. If you're one of those people you'll want to tune in to this discussion moderated by @JTDabbagian. You'll find tips and advice on organizing your finances while you are working on contract or on one-time gigs. 9-10pm EST.
- #Inexpensively: Every 9-10pm EST, log in to Twitter to read tweets about frugality from @JustHeather and others. Heather is the voice behind @Inexpensively, a Twitter feed created to hook consumers like you up with ideas for saving money, coupons, and inexpensive grocery items, all good things to include in your financial education.
- #JPchat: The "JP" refers to Jenny Pincher of @thejennypincher fame. Jenny's feed is geared towards helping single women get out of debt and start building wealth. She moderates this chat that goes down at 8pm EST on Wednesdays and can help you increase your budgeting skills.
- #MCchat: Intent on wasting and mismanaging money? Then by all means don't log on to Twitter between the hours of 4 and 5pm EST. You might accidentally come across this chat run by the folks at, a website devoted to helping people get their personal financial house in order.
- #moneychat: Become a follower of @moneychatlive, the moderator of this chat for "all things money and biz." Personal finance coach Dorethia Conner leads the discussions about topics like your kids' financial aid money and mortgage refinance. It's a great source of financial education. The chats go live at 8pm sharp on Monday nights. There's no good TV on Monday nights anyway.
- #moolah: Moolah, greenbacks, semollians, clams. Whatever you call it, we all got to get that money. With a name that belies a realistic approach to personal finances, Get Rich Slowly moderates #moolah. Every other Wednesday at 7pm EST you can find tips and advice on savings accounts, CDs, and other fun finance stuff.
- #PMChat: If you happen to be a project manager, financial acumen is going to be crucial to your success as a leader. There's no shame in building that knowledge bank after they've made you the project manager. #PMChat is a good one to devote some time to, specifically an hour every Friday at noon. It's moderated by certified project management pro Robert Kelly.
- #futrchat: The Association of
Future ProfessionalsProfessional Futurists oversees this chat from 4-5pm EST every Thursday. It's always an interesting discussion, but the one you'll want to check out is "The Future of Money" from the archives. It will give you some cool financial knowledge to add to your collection and give you an idea of where this stuff we call money is headed.
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