Wednesday, November 9, 2011

An Explanation of Why Families Prefer Younger Nannies

The stereotypical nanny is a young woman of college age. Because of this, it may be assumed that families prefer to hire younger nannies. In reality, the choice may have more to do with availability than with family preference.

Larger number of candidates available

In general, families will find a larger number of young nanny candidates available than older nannies. There are several reasons for this, of course.

Younger nannies are less likely to be married or owners of their own home. This allows them more mobility and makes a live-in arrangement more feasible for them. Older nannies are more likely to prefer a live-out arrangement, where they come and go from the home. This is especially true if they are married.

Younger men and women often spend a few years trying to determine what direction they want to take with their life’s work. Working as a nanny can be a part of that life direction search. In the end, there aren’t that many of these young people that continue in this direction for their life career. The energy level required to care for young children everyday can also be a factor in the larger number of younger people choosing a nanny profession over older individuals. As nannies grow older, they often move on to other careers that aren’t as physically demanding.

Youthful advantages

Even though the numbers may be in their favor, that is not the only reason why more families hire younger nannies. Younger nannies do provide some specific advantages to families that may attract employers to choose them over older candidates, as well. Let’s look at some of them.

  • The physical ability of a younger nanny to keep up with the high energy of young children.
  • Lower pay levels expected from young workers than mature experienced workers.
  • Willing and able to relocate and travel with the family when necessary.
  • Shorter term commitments are more acceptable among younger nannies.
  • More flexibility in their work hours.
  • Less set in their ways and able to adjust to new environments.
  • Recent education completed regarding child care or child development.
  • A youthful mentality that can easily relate to children.
  • Recent babysitting experience makes for a natural transition into nanny service.

For a first time or short term nanny position, younger nannies are often preferred. For specialty positions such as night nannies and long term positions, families may be more likely to look for an older more mature nanny. The numbers of mature, experienced nannies will provide them a much lower pool of candidates to choose from, however.

Taken From Full Time Nanny

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