Friday, November 4, 2011

10 Things Socarates Might Have Tweeted

With his name and wisdom still well-known many centuries after his death, Socrates obviously made a large contribution to civilization. If he lived in these days, would he have made use of Twitter to share his philosophical thoughts? If he did, here are ten tweets you might expect to see posted on his Twitter feed.

  1. “Teachings of philosophy cannot be limited to 140 characters!” Socrates, although humble, believed that he was a divine emissary that all should abide.
  2. “What the hell happened to my Greece?” A passionate patriot for his homeland, Socrates would be deeply saddened with the financial crisis existing there now.
  3. “If world leaders were philosophers, they would see their errors long before they chose to act upon them.” Socrates maintained that only philosophers of inherent intellect had the true right to governmental leadership.
  4. “I’m moving to the United States where I may speak freely of their corrupt government without the threat of hemlock wine.” An avid critic of politics, Socrates was deemed defiant of the Athenian government and put to death, via hemlock poison.
  5. “If my wife were more agreeable, then I should be certain she is not my wife.” Often quoted as having ‘trials’ with his wife, Socrates often commented upon womankind becoming superior upon marriage.
  6. “I cannot comprehend the need for more gods.” Considering himself divinely dispatched, Socrates would have scoffed at the various religious institutions of today.
  7. “Laws were meant to protect and service the people and not the governmental body.” Socrates maintained that the government should acquiesce to tend to the people; and the people should not be enslaved to the government.
  8. “I noticed 15 different brands of chicken soup at the market today; this is illogical.” While possessing an incredible intellect, his logic was predicated upon extremely simple principles and functions.
  9. “Why should I get a job? As a philosopher, my thoughts are my sustenance; and my wife may choose otherwise.” It is historically confirmed that Socrates spent much of his later years without the means of an income; perhaps relying upon students or benefactors to sustain his life; and again, reiterating the distance of relationship he maintained with his wife.
  10. “I cannot teach intellect any more than I may till granite.” He perceived intellect and knowledge as something that was inherent (as granted by the divine); and that his intervention was more to enact a removal of learned ignorance than implanting a thought.

I wonder if there will be tweets from today’s philosophers that will be saved and quoted in the centuries to follow or whether they’ll simply be lost in mega-characters that are accumulating in the digital world?

Taken From Internet Service

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