Monday, January 16, 2012

10 Short Texts You Can Send That Say It All

Whether you’re sending a text, an email or a tweet that is limited to only 140 characters, you need to be concise. Most people don’t have the time or patience to write, much less read, lengthy messages that stray from the point. For those of you who have trouble keeping your words succinct, here are 10 short texts you can send that say it all.

  1. Just got fired. Mad enough to stomp bunnies!
  2. I’m so hungry right now I’ll eat anything that doesn’t eat me first.
  3. Just got my new smart phone. Best thing since Velcro.
  4. Packed my suitcase for my trip, but it takes 2 men and a boy to lift it.
  5. New bill passed in congress. Has more pork than Rosie O’Donnell riding Barney Frank eating a ham sandwich.
  6. Horse I bet on was close, but that only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades and dancing.
  7. Met the new in-laws and felt as welcome as a steaming pile of manure on the front lawn.
  8. How to remember your wife’s birthday 4ever. Forget it once.
  9. Help! My reality check just bounced.
  10. When its tourist season can we get a license to shoot them and what’s the bag limit?

I hope that was helpful for the laconically challenged. You don’t have to be verbose to get your point across. Keep your texts brief and to the point. It also doesn’t hurt to include some humor. Your recipients will get your drift and get a lift at the same time.

Taken From Phone TV Internet

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