Friday, January 13, 2012

10 Acronyms I Wish Would Catch On for Texting

Although people have been using acronyms for ages texters have taken this practice to a whole new level. They’ve practically started a whole new language by consistently using shortcuts and symbols instead of spelling out common phrases. Some of them like LOL and OMG are prevalent enough to be easily recognized and used in everyday conversation. However, there are some lesser known acronyms that haven’t quite caught on yet. Here are 10 that I think may be helpful to fervent texters.

  1. MTRT – My thumbs are tired. Too much texting can take its toll on your opposable thumbs. This is a good way to tell people it’s time to take a break, put down the phone and do something else.
  2. WTSHTF – When the s**t hits the fan. This is a common acronym for people who are concerned about an impending catastrophic event. It could be when your parents get your report card or a global economic collapse, depending on your perspective.
  3. EOLAWKI – End of life as we know it. This is another phrase used by people concerned about an upcoming disaster that could be life changing. That could be when there’s a coronal mass ejection or when your parents kick you out of their basement.
  4. WOT – Waste of time. Unfortunately, this is a phrase not used enough by kids addicted to texting and may never catch on. They don’t seem to realize that constantly sending text messages is a monumental waste of time.
  5. WUASTC – Wake up and smell the coffee. Alas, another abbreviation that probably won’t get used much by serious texters. How ironic, since so much of this texting goes on in coffee shops.
  6. WWURG – Watch where you’re going. This would be a very useful acronym to catch on with frequent texters. It could save them from becoming the latest viral video as they fall into pools of water or run into stationary objects. It could also save them from being run over by a truck or bus.
  7. TOL – Talk out loud. Here’s another novel idea that probably won’t get much text time. Instead of wearing out your keypad, how about having a real conversation with someone. You know the kind where you actually use your voice instead of your thumbs.
  8. LU – Look up. Another helpful, yet rarely used acronym for texting enthusiasts. Looking around at countless bowed heads I marvel at all they’re missing. They should take a moment to lift their countenance and observe their surroundings.
  9. LBP – Loosing battery power. Yet another useful cipher for the constant texter that would save time and battery power. Time to recharge your phone and refresh your other senses.
  10. DTAD – Don’t text and drive. This is probably the most important acronym that is sorely neglected. Let’s make this a voluntary effort instead of forcing lawmakers to enact stupid laws to save you from yourself.

I can see a future when more and more of these acronyms are commonly pronounced as spoken words like fubar. As language evolves we’ll need historians to look up the origins of what will become common words while the phrases they stand for are lost. What is the world coming to? Oh well, GG (gotta go) so CUL (see you later) HAG1 (have a good one) and BFN (bye for now).

Taken From Phone Service

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