For many teachers and students across the U.S., school starts in just a few weeks. That means buying supplies, preparing lessons, and getting back into an academic mindset after a summer of fun in the sun. To jumpstart your back-to-school season, check out Pinterest for some amazing ideas to make this fall one of the best ever for you, your students, your kids, or any young academically inclined person in your life. We've collected just a few of the thousands of pins out there for back-to-school that we think are fun, inspiring ways to get ready to head back to school this fall.

Parents can help their students and themselves make the transition from summer to the school year with these tips, tools, and ideas.
- School supply shopping checklist.
Moms and dads can get a list of all the back-to-school essentials on this pin.
- Lunchtime note.
This cute idea for a lunchbox back-to-school note is sure to make your kids smile.
- Yearly back-to-school photos.
Check out this inspirational pin for an idea of how to document your child's first day of school every year.
- Teacher gift idea.
This teacher gift idea is sure to please. If it's not your style, there are dozens of others to choose from on Pinterest.
- Back-to-school pack.
Fill a water bottle with basic school supplies for the youngsters in your life.
- Back-to-school photo checklist.
Make sure you get all the essential shots when your kids head back to school with this great checklist.
- Lunch box smoothies.
This pin shows you how to make healthy smoothies that your kids can take with them in their lunch boxes.
- Top 100 children's books of all time.
Find some amazing reads you and your children can share on this best-of list.
- Loads of teacher gifts.
Here you'll find even more teacher gifts that you can send to school this year to thank your kids' teachers.
- Meet the teacher checklist.
Meeting your child's teacher for the first time? This checklist will make sure you get answers to all the most important questions.
- Back-to-school party for parents.
Some parents are rejoicing that summer is almost at an end. This pin will show you how to celebrate back-to-school with other parents in style.
- Notes for school.
Use this pin to find great printouts you can send along with your child to school to explain absences.
- Questions for parents.
Parents can use these questions to help their child understand reading material at home.
- Back-to-school ideas and coping strategies.
Use this pin to find fun ideas for back-to-school and to cope with your kids growing up and heading to school for the first time.
- Back-to-school safety tips for parents.
Make sure your back-to-school experience is a safe one by using the advice found in this pin.
- Books for anxious students.
Is your child unsure about going to school? Use these great books to help them understand how fun school can be.
- Organization ideas for back-to-school.
Keep your home organized amid the chaos of the back-to-school season with help from this pin.
- Helpful tips for parents of LD kids.
If your child has a learning disability, this pin offers up some helpful tips on easing them into the school year.
- Back-to-school infographic.
This pin showcases some of the most amazing data on back-to-school.
- Back-to-school deals.
Looking to save big on back-to-school supplies? This pin offers directions to the best deals out there.
- Digital resources for children and parents.
Here you'll find a list of digital resources that parents and students can use for back-to-school.
- Back-to-school gift for students.
While this pin is intended for teachers, parents can help students feel special by giving them small back-to-school gifts like this, too.
- First-day-of-school activities.
This pin highlights some first day of school activities that will help your kids to look forward to it.
- Homework station.
Make homework a little more fun (or at least a little easier to do) by constructing this homework station.
- Room parent checklist for back-to-school.
Those who work as room parents will appreciate this helpful checklist.
- Advice for college parents.
If your kids are heading off to college this year, this pin offers advice on how to let go, get them settled, and be supportive.

Teachers will find lesson plans, activities, resource lists, and more on these pins.
- Catch-the-wave bulletin board.
This cute bulletin board will help welcome students into your classroom.
- Welcome-to-the-class bags.
These great bags will make coming to school on the first day super fun for students.
- Back-to-school success kit.
Find tips on first day, routines, planning, books, and more through this helpful pin.
- Back-to-school ideas for teachers.
Check out this pin for a collection of great ideas on how to make this back-to-school your best ever.
- Getting-to-know-you worksheets.
Help your students get to know each other, you, and you them with these great printable worksheets.
- Where am I? board.
This year, always know where your students are by making a board like this one.
- Back-to-school bash.
Celebrate the beginning of the school year with these back-to-school bash ideas.
- Classroom craft caddy.
If your students will be doing some crafting this year, keep things organized with this useful caddy.
- Glitter germs.
Teach kids how germs spread and the importance of hand-washing with this useful activity that may just help you avoid a cold this year.
- Teacher toolbox.
This amazing teacher toolbox will ensure you're never short on supplies.
- Book bins.
Organized by reading strategy, these books will help your students to explore literary concepts.
- iPad apps by age.
Those lucky enough to have iPads in the classroom can find some excellent age-appropriate apps through this pin.
- Picture books on YouTube.
This pin is an excellent resource for finding picture books your students can watch online.
- Classroom setup ideas.
Make your classroom look great and function well with these creative classroom setup ideas.
- Collection of ideas for the beginning of the school year.
If you're looking for ideas to start off the year with a bang, these tips and resources just might be the thing you need.
- Back-to-school night ideas.
Use these ideas to get parents and their kids excited to be a part of your classroom this year.
- Book ideas for the first day of school.
This pin highlights some great reads for the first day back at school.
- Classroom motto.
This pin offers one excellent motto you can use for your classroom, although a quick search can help you find many more.
- Interactive notebooks.
This fun pin will help you to create a project that students will be excited to take part in.
- Classroom questions to start the school year.
Use these questions to get to know your students and start the year off on the right foot.
- Back-to-school printables.
Need more printables? Not to worry, this pin leads you to loads of them.
- Friend tree.
Help your students feel more at home in the classroom and foster budding friendships with this fun activity.
- Back-to-school business cards.
Ever thought of making your own business cards? This pin shows how cute they can be and how useful for keeping in touch with parents.
- QR codes for students and parents.
Learn how to use QR codes for homework and interacting with parents from this pin.
- New student bags.
Students who are new to your classroom can get up to speed with the help of this excellent bag idea.
College Students

Whether you're heading to your first year of college or your last, these pins can help entertain, educate, and get you excited about school.
- Dorm room message/schedule board.
This board will help keep you organized and on task in your dorm room and beyond.
- The dorm room diet.
Eating healthy in college can be a challenge, but you can get helpful advice from this pin.
- College packing list.
Make sure you're bringing everything you need and nothing you don't to college this year.
- Magnetic Scrabble board.
This magnetic Scrabble board makes it possible to play an ongoing game in your dorm or apartment.
- Doily pillows.
These fun pillows are easy to make and will add a homey element to your college housing.
- Shoebox charging station.
Keep all of your cords neat and organized with this simple solution.
- College survival basket.
Ask your parents to pack you this survival basket to get you through those first few months of college.
- Apps every college student should have.
Load up your phone or tablet with these college essentials.
- Intense study tips.
This pin offers up some tips that will help you get the most out of intense study sessions.
- Costly college myths.
Don't lose money on your college education! Use this pin to help you avoid some of the most expensive myths about college.
- Student ID discount guide.
Make the most of your college ID by using it to get discounts at the retailers highlighted in this pin.
- Dorm-friendly plants.
Give your dorm room or apartment a touch of green with these hard-to-kill plants.
- Budgeting 101.
If you've never lived on your own, you probably don't have much experience with budgeting. This pin can help to teach you the fundamentals.
- Healthy foods under a dollar.
Stretch your budget and stay healthy with these wallet-friendly foods.
- Clothing essentials for college students.
This pinned video will help you learn what fashion trends you'll need to follow this school year.
- Tips for student heading back to school.
Get some helpful tips on all things back-to-school from this pin.
- Displaying photos.
This pin highlights one really cool way to display photos in your living space.
- Are your classes harder?
This humorous pin featuring Fry from Futurama pokes fun at college complainers.
- You can't have it all.
There is so much truth in this pin, pitting social life, sleep, and grades against one another.
- Coffee-maker spaghetti.
No way to boil water? Use your coffee maker to make pasta!
- Dorm party.
This pin highlights one amazing way to start a dorm party.
- Sweet digs.
You'll be green with envy when you see this amazing dorm room.
- Student life in a nutshell.
From sleeping to class to homework to Interneting, this cartoon captures it all.
- Chic back-to-school inspiration.
Adorable clothes, books, and decor are at the heart of this hip and fall-themed pin.
- Yoga tips for beginners.
Help keep yourself fit, flexible, and mentally relaxed by taking up yoga, with the help of this pin.
K-12 Students

Younger students will love these pins that showcase great school supplies, study tips, and much more.
- Back-to-school bucket list.
Before you head back to school make sure to check off these summer fun activities.
- Student planner.
The planners pinned here would be perfect for stylish students.
- Great school bag.
Check out this great school bag that takes the typical backpack up a notch.
- Student bullying infographic.
Learn more about bullying and what you can do to stop it from this info-filled pin.
- Studying distractions.
This pin shares some of the biggest, and silliest, studying distractions.
- Inspiring desk setup.
You'll want to redo your desk setup at home once you see this great study space.
- Jazzed-up paper clips.
Why have boring paperclips for your schoolwork when you can use these fun ones instead?
- Super cute school supplies.
These school supplies will make you really want to head back to school.
- Vintage school supplies.
Give your school supplies a retro vibe with these vintage picks.
- Best apps for students.
Looking for some apps to use for school this year? This pin shares a great list.
- Folded notes.
Fold up notes to pass between class or secretly in class, just like those in this pin.
- How to study.
This pin offers tips on improving your studying, so you get more done in less time.
- Becoming a straight A student.
Want to improve your grades? Head to this pin, linked to a book, for help.
- Book covers.
Your schoolbooks will look amazingly stylish when covered with these papers.
Back-to-School Treats and Fun

These treats and ideas for back to school fun are great for any age!
- Back-to-school party.
Nothing will get kids, young or old, excited for back-to-school like a party for the occasion. Find tips and ideas for planning it here.
- Apple cookies.
These apple cookies would be a cute addition to any school lunch.
- Oreo apple pops.
Covered in icing and topped with stems and leaves, these Oreos take on a new life.
- Back-to-school ideas and treats.
This pin is filled with great ideas for back-to-school fun.
- Edible crayons.
While run-of-the-mill crayons aren't tasty, these treats made to look just like them are.
- Corner bookmarks.
Make your favorite animal or a scary monster when you design your own corner bookmark to keep your place in back-to-school reading.
- School lunches.
Use this pin for inspiration on healthy lunches to bring to school.
- Frugal lunch ideas.
If you're looking to save on lunches, this pin can help.
- "Eat breakfast" poster.
This poster is a cheerful reminder not to neglect the most important meal of the day.
- Back-to-school sewing.
These sewing projects are perfect for the new school year.
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