Thursday, September 6, 2012

When Children Get Hurt in Their Nanny's Care

While it’s no secret that bumps and bruises are part of every childhood, even the most minor injury may cause a seasoned caregiver to become riddled with concern when a child is hurt on her watch.

When children get hurt in their nanny’s care they are at the mercy of their nanny to act fast, assess the situation, and administer appropriate care. Nannies must be prepared to deal with any injury that arises, and having an action plan in place can help her to do just that.

What steps should a nanny take after hearing the bloodcurdling scream that indicates trouble?

Step 1. Assess the situation. Take a deep breath and assess the situation. Is the child bleeding from a small scrape to the arm or does he have a gash that has so much blood flowing from it that it looks like it might need sutures? Is the child on the ground in a location and position that indicates he fell from a play structure or is he bent over holding his knee in an open area indicating he likely tripped and fell? Is he choking? Is he breathing? Is he conscious? Are there bumps or areas of swelling? Is there any visible injury? Can the child indicate where he is hurt? The answers to these questions, along with any other observations, will help you to determine the level of care a child needs.

Step 2. Attend to the child. Whether it’s giving a Band-Aid or administering CPR, it’s important that you act fast to minimize the damage. Now is the time to put your first aid and CPR training into action. If the child needs medical attention, call for help and contact the parents as soon as possible. Some children, regardless of how small their “ouchie” is, need lots of emotional comfort following an injury. Be prepared to hug the child and offer all of the affection he needs to bounce back from whatever affliction he is suffering from.

Step 3. Articulate the Incident. Be sure to write down any and all injuries that occur on your watch in your nanny log. Doing so provides important information for the parents to refer to should complications arise from a seemingly harmless incident. Documenting the injury may also help discredit any accusations of abuse or insinuations that you did not inform the parents or report the incident. Be sure to include the nature of the injury, the date and time, any first-aid or medical treatment given, and who was notified of the injury and when.

Step 4. Alert the parents. If the injury is minor, like a bump on the head or a scrape on the hand, and does not need medical attention, you may not have to make a special phone call to alert the parents of the injury. However, some parents may wish to be contacted if any injury, regardless of how minor it is, occurs. It’s a good idea to discuss when and how the parents wish to be contacted should minor routine childhood injuries occur before they actually do. Sometimes sending a quick text or email during your next period of downtime is an appropriate way to notify parents of non urgent injuries.

Step 5. Assess the cause. Did the child trip over a planter in the garden and chip a tooth? Did he scrape his head on the corner of a raised hearth? Did he get into medication that was not properly stored? While all risks can’t be eliminated, nannies can take steps to create the safest environment possible so that her charges are able to safely and freely explore and interact with their world.

While every nanny dreads a child getting hurt under her supervision, the reality is that even the most safety-conscious nanny will have a charge experience some type of injury while in her care. Knowing how to effectively treat an injury is essential.

Taken From National Nannies

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