Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Violence and Countries

I was born in Mexico, I love my country and also I love the US. Today it was announced that the American Ambassador in Libya was killed. Eleven years ago I was working for Lucent Technologies, and New York City was attacked. On the same date 9/11, but of 1973 my hero Salvador Allende died in Chile, and a Coup d'etat was committed against the Chilean people.

As December 21, 2012 is approaching. A gas cloud is falling inside SgrA*, and extra radiation is expected to come to Earth from the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way.

I expect food riots in poor countries as the price of cereals goes up due to the present drought in the US.

A movie is used as "explanation" of the Ambassador, Christopher Stevens' death.


Where is violence coming from?

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