Sunday, September 16, 2012

Teacher's Victory in Chicago

Where I am coming from, the workers are always right.

The 1% has convinced the 99% that what is good for Mitt Romney is good for Eduardo Cantoral. Nothing further from the truth.

His win is my loss!

The moment the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) chose to strike; they won.

They broke a twenty five year hold on their wages the 1% had imposed on them.

The Occupy movement, the Wisconsin Recall of Scott Walker, and now the CTU successful strike are the beginning of the real recovery of the United States, by the concerted effort of the Workers of America.

"On September 10, 2012, the Chicago Teachers Union began a strike[47] after CTU President Lewis declared that negotiations with the city were not succeeding.[48] This strike will be the CTU's first since 1987, and the first strike ever for many of the teachers involved.[49][50] Regulations require them to make contract negotiations an issue in the strike, and the teachers are indeed seeking better pay, better benefits, and protections for teachers who lose their jobs due to school closures.[46]
The striking teachers also want to call attention to a number of education issues, particularly what they define as a broad attack on public schooling by corporate privatizers.[51] In particular they demand a decrease in high-stakes testing for students, and an increase in music, art, and gym programs available at public schools.[52] They also want smaller class sizes and paid preparation time.[46]
On September 11, 2012, the Service Employees International Union Local 1 informed companies that some of their members might go on strike with the teachers.[53]
On September 14, 2012, the teachers reached a tentative agreement with the city, which included preferences for teachers who have been laid off due to a school closing to be hired in another school, and student test scores having less of a role in teacher evaluations than the city had originally planned. [54]"

Long Live CTU!

Long Live Karen Lewis!

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