Sunday, September 16, 2012

Man or Boy?

The NYT reports today that an 18 year old person wanted to be a mass murdered.

I taught High School Physics one year at Lombard, Ill, in 2006. I had male Muslim students, and they were just like all the 18 year olds  in that class. Not  men, I can assure you, just boys.

Hillside, Ill, where the boy is from, is the next door suburb to Lombard in the way to Chicago.

Why did he want to be a mass murdered?

Another interesting question is:Why did the FBI goad him into  it?

If I knew the answers, I would work for an American intelligence agency. Here I just post random thoughts and opinions.

First he was a boy. Actually another title for the article is: "Chicago-Area Teenager Accused of Terrorism Plot."

Which also is misleading, the "Terrorism Plot", was an FBI Plot. The poor boy was just lost, in the hands of eager agents. I wonder how much those agents make? Maybe more than a Physics High School teacher.

I guess by now, you know which side my heart is at.

Free Adel Daoud!

There is another case going on in Southern California. A group of Egyptian-American young men, just like Adel, were infiltrated by an informant of shady reputation. This "informant", had a change of heart, and now is helping the men get out of trouble. These people were into body building, and playing soccer, both in real life, and with video games. After years of tax funded infiltration, he found out that the men-boys-morons, were just into playing games. What a waste of money!

We are fighting the wrong war. Muslim hate against America, has to be addressed at the root. Let all the World's children learn rational thinking, just like the one required for AP and Honors Physics!


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