Thursday, September 6, 2012

30 of the Best Blogs on Potty Training

Potty training is a major milestone for your toddler, one that almost always requires a significant amount of patience and a bit of guidance for the parents and caregivers that are coaching them. Thanks to the Internet and the virtual village of experienced parents, childcare providers and childhood experts that maintain blogs, there’s a wealth of easily obtained information to be found. From preparation to bed-wetting help, here are thirty of the blogs that will help you turn your little one into a potty training success story.

Potty Training Preparation

As with so many things in life, the level of success that you and your child will experience is largely contingent upon your level of preparation. Getting your little one ready to transition out of diapers requires some advance planning, as these bloggers can attest.

Potty Training For Boys

Potty training a little boy presents a unique set of challenges for moms and female childcare providers, which might be why old wives’ tales assert that potty training a boy is more difficult than it is with little girls. These five blog posts tackle the issue of potty training from the little boy perspective, helping parents and caregivers get their little guy out of diapers.

Potty Training For Girls

Every little girl is different, and will have her own unique experience with potty training. However, dads and male caregivers may find it daunting to assume the task of helping her break free of the diapers. These five blogs focus on potty training methods specific to little girls, rather than general, gender-neutral insights.

Elimination Communication

Popularized by celebrities like Mayim Bialik, the elimination communication method of potty training begins during early infancy and relies upon a parent or caregivers ability to properly time diaper actions and to take cues from a baby’s behavior regarding the matter. Elimination communication is also referred to as “infant potty training.”

Delayed Potty Training

For some children and their parents, potty training comes with relative ease. Others, however, may face significant obstacles on their road to diaper freedom. These five blogs entries discuss various aspects of delayed potty training.

Nighttime Accidents

Some kids master potty training quickly during their waking hours, but continue to struggle with nighttime accidents for quite some time afterward. The following five blog posts are all about bed-wetting and nighttime accidents, offering advice and explanations along the way.

These are just a small sampling of the blog postings dedicated to the complicated and sometimes controversial art of potty training a child. The Internet abounds with similar blogs, all focused on the trials of potty training, advice and personal anecdotes.

Taken From Babysitters


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