Friday, September 14, 2012

30 Blogs Serving Up Healthy Mac and Cheese Recipes

Macaroni and cheese is one of the American childhood staple foods. Beloved by even the pickiest of eaters, this classic pasta dish is a go-to when it comes to serving up delicious, kid-friendly meals. Commercially available mixes, however, can be preservative-laden, artificially flavored, nutritional nightmares, with a neon orange color that’s anything but natural. The 30 blog posts on this list, however, offer a healthy take on macaroni and cheese to fit almost any dietary restriction, and include some interesting twists on this old standby.

Dairy Free

For kids who suffer from dairy allergies, traditional macaroni and cheese of the homemade variety is forbidden. Since classic recipes call for milk or cream in the sauce, and cheese itself is a dairy product, it can be difficult to modify the dish into something that these little ones can tolerate. These five offerings are completely dairy free, and sure to be a hit.

Gluten Free

Whether you have a family member with a gluten allergy or celiac disease, or if you simply adhere to a dietary plan that does not include gluten, finding recipes for quality pasta dishes can be an enormous challenge. These five posts are chock-full of gluten-free macaroni and cheese recipes that will please even picky eaters.


Standard, store-bought macaroni and cheese mixes can be heavy on the fat, especially if you use real butter and whole milk. Traditional homemade offerings can be even worse, with many recipes calling for half and half or heavy cream, in addition to other fatty ingredients. If your ultimate goal is to put a low-fat mac and cheese dish on the table, these recipes are heavy hitters of the light variety.


Veganism has exploded in popularity over the last decade, but finding classic comfort-food recipes that adhere to a diet completely free of any animal products or by-products can still be fairly difficult. These animal-free, healthy macaroni and “cheese” alternatives are tasty and guilt-free on several levels.


Carbohydrate cravings can significantly contribute to obesity in children; preparing healthy, low-carb meals can help to reduce the risk of obesity and can also contribute to the formation of better eating habits as kids age. Dramatic slashing of carbohydrate intake, such as that advocated by the Atkins diet, is not recommended for children. Still, monitoring the carb content of kids’ meals is important. With that in mind, these five blogs serve up tasty, low-carb variations on macaroni and cheese.


Concerns over agricultural practices, unhealthy chemicals, and hormone treatments for stock animals have spurred a large number of families to make the move to an all-organic diet. These five posts are dedicated to dishes that are ethical, sustainable, and free from any dangerous additives that might be found in traditional ingredients, offering a healthier macaroni and cheese recipe. Be sure to look for the certified organic seal on all of your produce, pasta, and dairy items to ensure that your mac and cheese is indeed organic!

Taken From Babysitters

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