Thursday, September 6, 2012

10 Ways Bilingual Nannies Can Benefit Children

Most children have the ability and capacity to learn more than one language. This is especially true during the early years. For parents who require childcare and want to raise a bilingual child, hiring a bilingual nanny can help them to do just that.

Here are 10 ways hiring a bilingual nanny can benefit the children in their care.

1. Bilingual nannies can help children master a foreign language. Children are able to learn a second language more quickly during their early years. The younger they are when learning the language, the more easily they will pick it up. As children get older, they pick up foreign language acquisition less easily than their younger counterparts.

2. Bilingual nannies can introduce children to a different culture. For parents wishing to give their children a broader world view, hiring a bilingual nanny can help them do just that. A bilingual nanny is likely well versed in the culture where the language is prevalent, and can share customs and traditions of that culture with the children in addition to the language.

3. Bilingual nannies can teach children favorite songs in a second language. Children learn through music, and teaching children their favorite songs in another language is the perfect way to expose them to a second language. Doing so will likely peak their curiosity and have them asking to learn more songs and words.

4. Bilingual nannies may help children do better in school later on. Bilingual children typically outperform their monolingual counterparts on standardized testing. Bilingual children also generally tend to have better listening skills and can more easily connect with others.

5. Bilingual nannies can foster an interest in language learning. When children hear their nanny speaking in a foreign language, they are likely going to want to follow suit. Children learn what they live, and if their nanny is speaking a foreign language, they’ll likely want to speak it too.

6. Bilingual nannies can serve as a linguistic role model. Children look up to their nannies, and having a nanny that speaks two languages can be a great role model for parents who want their children to be bilingual.

7. Bilingual nannies can encourage a love of diversity. When a child is cared for by a bilingual nanny they’ll grow up being comfortable around others who speak different languages. Having a nanny who can speak a foreign language provides an opportunity to teach children about peoples similarities and differences.

8. Bilingual nannies can introduce children to ethnic foods. For families who hire a bilingual nanny, an added benefit may be the introduction to a variety of ethnic foods that their children wouldn’t be exposed to otherwise. From snacks to meals, most bilingual nannies are willing to prepare their favorite ethnic treat for the children they watch.

9. Bilingual nannies may be able to host bilingual play dates. Bilingual nannies are likely to have a circle of peers who speak the same languages. Arranging play dates and outings with other bilingual nannies or parents and children can provide opportunities for children to be immersed in the language.

10. Bilingual nannies can reinforce a parent’s non-English tongue. For parents who are bilingual themselves, having a nanny who can reinforce their native or second tongue can be a huge benefit. Having a nanny that can communicate in and reinforce both languages can be important for parents who wish their children to be raised bilingual.

For working parents who feel that raising a bilingual child is a priority, hiring a bilingual nanny may be the perfect solution. In addition to providing personalized and customized childcare, a bilingual nanny can teach and reinforce language learning in a second language.

Taken From Find a Nanny

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