Friday, September 14, 2012

10 Must Haves When Tailgating with Kids

While tailgating is not an event that is typically attended by many kids, that doesn’t mean it can’t be a family-friendly affair. It may take a little more thought and preparation to tailgate with kids in tow, but you and your family can enjoy a great time before the game if you plan accordingly. Keep these must-haves in mind as you are getting ready for your next tailgate party.

  1. Kid-friendly food is a must when tailgating. Make sure to bring food that your kids like. If they aren’t a fan of brats, bring hotdogs for them instead. If they don’t like spicy hot wings then bring some chicken nuggets. Make cheesy quesadillas instead of spicy nachos. Fruit is always a good bet with kids.
  2. Games that kids can play. The game washers is similar to horse shoes, but it is made up of 2 halves of a wooden box with a PVC pipe in the center of each half. The idea is to set the box halves on either end of your playing space and then take turns throwing washers into the box. The object is to get the washer into the center hole or just into the box. Adults and children alike love this game, and it’s small and easy to transport. Bringing along handheld gaming controllers is also a good way to keep the kids occupied during the long wait before the game starts. Even a deck of cards works well to keep kids busy.
  3. Fun fruity drinks for the kids to enjoy. The bottom line is to make sure that the kids have something to drink, since the beverages at a tailgate are not usually kid-friendly. Making special drinks for the kids will make them feel like they’re part of the excitement.
  4. Kid-sized chairs for hanging out in. Little chairs are easy to throw into the car when leaving for the tailgate party. Then the kids feel like they have their own space and are not sitting where an adult wants to sit. Little chairs don’t take up a lot of room, but will give the kids a sense of belonging.
  5. A spot close to the bathroom is essential when you have kids along. You are probably letting them eat and drink during this event so they may need to go to the bathroom more often because they are drinking more than usual. If the kids are little, bring their potty chair along.
  6. A spot near other families gives your kids the opportunity to find playmates. Not to mention, it will keep your family away from the people that are just there to drink and party, and those who aren’t fond of having kids rain on their fun parade.
  7. A set of rules is essential so that no one gets hurt. Remind the kids that they are in a parking lot with moving cars and that they must watch for cars at all times. Often people are not watching for kids during a tailgate party.
  8. A change of clothes will come in handy if someone drops a hotdog on their shirt or doesn’t make it to the bathroom in time. You can’t really leave the lot and come back without having to pay to park again or risk losing your spot. Be prepared with a sweatshirt or jacket if the weather could get cool as the night wears on.
  9. Snacks that kids and adults will love are essential. Flavored popcorn, cheesy crackers, and chips and dip are kid-friendly snacks, to name a few.
  10. A camera will help capture all of the action and memories you are making as a family. Catch dad giving junior a lesson on grilling or giving his princess a ride on his shoulders into the game. These kinds of pictures are a great way to remember the event that will hopefully become a family tradition.

While it goes without saying, if you bring your kids to a tailgate party, you will need to drink responsibly or not at all. You’ll also want to be sure alcoholic drinks are kept away from the kids so that they are not accidently mistaken for kids drinks.

Taken From Summer Nanny

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