Tuesday, July 10, 2012

8 Clever Ways to Turn Your Home Into a Summer Getaway


Summer’s almost over, and you don’t want to be the only one without vacation photos. But what if you don’t like to travel? What if you can’t afford it this year? We’ve come up with eight clever ways to get the most out of your staycation. Turn your home into a summer vacation oasis with these ideas:

  1. Redecorate!

    Can’t afford to go to the Caribbean? Redecorate a room or area of your house to reflect your island attitude. Try tropical styles for a relaxing vacation, or bring in some bold primary colors to reinvigorate yourself. A coat of paint, the inclusion of new plant life, or simply some rearranging will have your environment reflecting your summer flare. Post some “vacation” pictures of your personal style!

  2. Spa It Up

    Turn your home into a spa for the day — or week. Aromatherapy is the name of the game. Play soothing music, take bubble baths, give yourself a pedicure, and do a facial peel. And because it’s your house and your vacation, no one will fault you for wearing your robe for the entirety of your planned time off. Come to think of it, the pizza guy might fault you. Consider also buying some healthy produce and teas for this cleansing time.

  3. Give It the Silent Treatment

    If you’re on staycation, make sure you’ve appropriately unplugged. Block Facebook and social media websites for the week, stop your mail service, and don’t even bother watching the news. Transform your house by packing up computers and television for the week. If you spend your entire vacation focused solely on the present, you’ll be ready to rock when it comes time to return to work. Let everyone know you’re off the grid, even if you’re just at home.

  4. Do A Full-On (Belated) Spring Cleaning

    And, because you’re on vacation, you can even pay to have this done. Clean out desks, junk drawers, and attics. Wash your walls and curtains. Send your laundry out to be done. Schedule a full house cleaning on a day you’ll be away, or do it yourself and make your house feel shiny and new.

  5. Ditch Your Kids

    There’s no such thing as a vacation from parenting, but a babysitter or a trip to Grandma’s never hurt. Schedule a relaxing, kid-free day in your home, whether alone or with your partner. Make sure you’ve included enough activity to keep your children occupied, and try not to think about them while they’re away. Remember what it’s like to be an adult without the inclusion of your little ones — even if just for a day.

  6. Go Green

    If you can’t get out to the country this summer, bring a little nature home to yourself. Well-kept indoor and outdoor plants signify happiness and health, as well as adding a little green to your color scheme. Spruce up your backyard garden and front flower beds, and consider spending a night outside under the stars. Even from the suburbs we’re all looking at the same night sky.

  7. Throw A Party

    It’s summertime, and the livin’ is easy…A simple cocktail or dinner party will force you to spruce up, decorate, and think outside the box. Try something creative — a new type of cookware, an all-appetizer party, or invent a new summer cocktail. Let your guests know that your party is part of your vacation, and they should leave all stress and high-octane living at the door.

  8. Say Goodnight

    The best thing about a vacation is the chocolate they leave on your pillow. Do this for yourself, and be creative. Each morning, rise early and write yourself a love note for the day. Splurge on your favorite dessert. Leave a new sleep mask on your pillow. Transforming your sleep to vacationer levels is the mark of a true summer getaway.

Taken From Home Insurance

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