If religion is your message, then the mountaintop from which you may spread it has no better modern-day equivalent than Twitter. Word travels fast on Twitter, which is a big reason for its enormous rise in popularity since its beginning just 6 years ago. So if you want to enlighten the masses with your own brand of spirituality, we’ve gathered some examples of how to do it. Here are ten ways to spread religion via Twitter:
- Profile – The obvious place to start would be to establish a Twitter account for your church/group/synagogue, etc. Once you’ve got a profile for a pulpit, it’s off to the races. Use your profile to share what your religion is all about. Provide links and contact info.
- Groups – Social media like Twitter have numerous groups within their membership, dedicated to all manner of interests and topics. Joining an existing group with a focus on religion/spirituality gets you to the audience you’re likely seeking.
- Tweet – Share the message or news about your religion in your tweets. Provide excerpts or highlights of your philosophy or canon for readers to examine. Include links to relevant websites where appropriate.
- Hash Tags – A very handy indexing tool (though somewhat misused), these provide a means for searching specific terms or topics. If, for instance, you wanted to establish or follow conversation about evolution, you could simply use the hash tag #evolution.
- Follow – Look for other @religion people who are already followers of your brand of religion and network with them to help spread the word. As you develop followers yourself, then you can spread your religion via …
- RT – Re-tweets are the echoes in the halls of Twitter, the repeaters in the phone line. When you post updates and info about your religion, followers will retweet across their network of followers, and that’s how word spreads like wildfire.
- Events – Whether it’s a prayer vigil, discussion group, revival, or concert, let your followers know what’s happening, and when and where it’s going down. When you do schedule events to promote your group, another good marketing tool, so to speak is …
- Promotional Contests – There are a number of ways to approach this. You could have a contest for who gathers the most followers, or gets the most retweets of an announcement for the event; or a simple trivia quiz, whatever. It motivates people to get involved is the point.
- Twitter Feeds – You can carry the word directly to the people, right on their desktops and iPhones when you provide regular updates to transmit over feeds to apps and widgets everywhere.
- Social Media as Mission Field – As it has done for millions of people around the world already, Twitter can be the tool through which you build personal relationships across the web. Connecting with people and developing those relationships first is the key to earning the privilege of sharing your message with them.
No matter what religion or belief you are promoting, Twitter is a great tool to use. Take a look around and see if you can find like-minded people to help you spread the word. But if you can’t find anyone right away, don’t be afraid to take the first step. After all, it only takes one voice to be heard.
Taken From Internet Provider
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