Thursday, May 31, 2012
Crossing the Sun: The Last Transit of Venus until 2117: Scientific American
"Next week will be the last opportunity this century to see the planet Venus as a little black dot moving across the solar disk--a rare event with a long, important history in astronomy"
'via Blog this'
The 10 Most Powerful Lobbies Behind Higher Ed
Corporations and big businesses often get the worst of the backlash against political lobbying, but it’s important not to forget that colleges are businesses, too, and they engage in lobbying as well, sometimes in a very questionable manner. Over the past few decades, the strength of the higher ed lobby has grown, so much so that many politicians believe that it’s nearly impossible to make any sustained changes to higher education, especially those that would take away autonomy or require greater oversight to college campuses. While some of the actions of the higher education lobby protect students, many more simply protect colleges themselves and often have financially or academically harmful consequences for students.
One way you can protect yourself and learn more about the political actions of your institution of higher learning is by getting to know some of the strongest and loudest voices in the higher education lobby. We’ve highlighted just a few here to get you started.
The American Council on Education:
By far the most powerful force behind the higher ed lobby is this group, the American Council on Education. Operated out of Washington, D.C. (which is quite convenient for lobbying), this organization is made up of more than 1,800 colleges, universities, associations, organizations, and corporations and was created with the purpose of influencing public policy on education, research, and other higher education initiatives. The group’s headquarters, One Dupont, is home to not only the ACE but also a whole host of other education groups, an arrangement that gives them all greater cohesion and ultimately stronger lobbying power. In years past, the group has successfully lobbied against ending legacy preferences, early decisions, and a wide range of other issues that likely would have benefited students (but hurt colleges’ bottom lines).
National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities:
Private colleges and universities often belong to this group, which was born out of the frustration the ACE faced after not being able to convince the government to give federal aid directly to colleges, instead doling it out to students themselves. Founded in 1976, private colleges and universities believed this organization would give them the power to lobby the government more effectively and not make the same mistakes they had made with grant money. They were right. In one of many successes for the group, they worked with Republicans to block a proposal to allow the Education Department to audit the finances of colleges that showed signs of mismanagement. In recent years, the group has also been a staunch opponent of proposals that would eliminate subsidies for student loan providers (freeing up billions for grants for low-income students) and new academic standards for institutions receiving federal aid, both of which they successfully derailed.
Association of American Universities:
This exclusive group of top research institutions (membership is invitation only) is committed to maintaining a strong system of academic research and education. One of the ways it does that is by lobbying in D.C. for more research funding for member institutions, which it often gets. More money for research is hardly a bad thing, but like other groups on this list, the AAU is also very wary of government oversight when it comes to using those research dollars. In 2011, the group, led by Harvard, successfully weakened legislation that would require scientists at research institutions to disclose any conflicts of interest when using public dollars for research, including any industry or corporate ties they might have. Why would universities oppose this? Because federally-funded research often yields them financial rewards as well, in the form of private funding and patents.
Association of Public and Land-grant Universities:
This organization is the more modern incarnation of the first-ever higher education group, the Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations. Because the majority of schools in the APLU are public and rely on federal and state funding in order to get by, the chief concern of the group in recent years has been lobbying the government to ensure that cutbacks in spending don’t extend too harshly to higher education, a force which it believes helps to stimulate the economy. The group is also working to help schools lobby state governments for changes in funding that will help them balance their budgets amid economic distress, something that’s been an especially big issue in states like California, where higher education cutbacks were severe. Through several lobbying and consulting groups, the APLU spent more than $350,000 last year pushing through their initiatives.
American Association of State Colleges and Universities:
When it comes to regional issues, this organization is the powerhouse behind pushing through or pushing against proposed legislation. Much of the lobbying for this organization is done at the state level, helping public colleges get funding and support from state governments. It’s also been a bit more flexible when it comes to issues of oversight than some of its more federally focused partner organizations. In fact, in 2006, it began developing the Voluntary System of Accountability for public colleges and universities (in response to the damning Spellings Commission report), which would require the institutions to engage in much more transparent and open about their practices and accounting. It was the only major higher educational organization to support the change, and many others went into overdrive trying to oppose it.
Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities
For-profit colleges have faced quite a bit of criticism in past years for questionable business practices. Some of this criticism may be justified, however, if you take a look at their education organization’s lobbying efforts. Just this year, they managed to force a watering down of the Department of Education’s Gainful Employment regulations, which would much more closely monitor programs that could potentially take advantage of low-income students often leaving them heavily in debt and with worthless degrees. Instead of the strong regulations the U.S. DoE wanted, thanks to the lobbying efforts of the APSCU, schools will have a three-year grace period and will get three strikes before being cut off from government aid.
American Association of Community Colleges:
Perhaps the least prestigious of the “Big Six” higher education lobbying groups, the AACC still has a powerful voice when it comes to lobbying the federal government. The group has strong ties to groups like the U.S. departments of Labor, Education, Energy, Homeland Security, and Commerce and the National Science Foundation, among others, giving it a fair amount of sway when it wants to influence pending legislation. Interestingly enough, the goals of the AACC are often at odds with other organizations we’ve mentioned. For instance, in 2009, Michigan community colleges were lobbying for the right to offer four-year degrees, a move opposed by organizations representing the state’s public universities. Battles have already been fought (and won) over the matter in several other U.S. states over the matter, but the AACC expects more states, including Arizona and California to join in opposing what they see as an unfair situation.
Sallie Mae:
When it comes to spending big on lobbying, Sallie Mae isn’t shy. The group spent about $1.46 million in 2006 on lobbying the government a number that has only grown in recent years as demands for student loan industry reform grow ever stronger. Sallie Mae is the world’s largest student loan originator and has for decades opposed legislation that would end government subsidies for the company. Yet in 2009, the group decided to stop fighting and start compromising, allowing an end to subsidies if the government would let them control who would originate and service their loans, a deal that the government wasn’t willing to take. This has meant increased lobbying for the company, who spent a whopping $1.86 million in the first quarter of 2010 alone.
Apollo Group:
Apollo Group, the parent company of the University of Phoenix, shelled out $615,000 in 2006 for lobbying and a whopping $930,000 in 2011. As part of the larger for-profit college lobbying efforts, the company isn’t shy about putting an end to legislation it feels will harm its bottom line, but it hasn’t been able to stem all of the new regulations that will apply to its operations. Why does it care so much about legislation? Because the school’s nearly 400,000 students rely almost exclusively on government grants and loans to attend, making the group a serious target for government scrutiny and giving it good reason to shell out to protect its profits.
American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers:
This smaller division within the ACE is one of the most powerful voices for college employees working in admissions and registration, with more than 11,000 members nationwide. Even though they don’t have the pull that other lobbyists might, they’re not afraid to stand apart from those groups on big issues, including the Student Aid Reward Act, of which it was the only higher ed lobby to lend support. The group has also supported other pieces of legislation that most higher ed lobbies oppose, including, most recently, a bill that would disallow federal funds to be used in the marketing budgets of colleges and universities, something universally opposed by the Big Six.
8 Reasons Sitters Lie About Your Child's Behavior
Your babysitter is by and large a reliable and conscientious care giver, someone you can trust to watch your children. She will make sure homework assignments are done when asked; ensure everyone has done their bedtime chores – wash, brush teeth, etc., and knows how to act, and how to reach you in case of an emergency. So why then would she ever need to lie to you about your children? Let’s look at eight reasons why sitters sometimes lie about your child’s behavior:
- Protection – In some instances, it’s just a matter of covering for them so the child can avoid being disciplined for a largely (in their minds) innocent and/or forgivable offense.
- Job security – It may be because she fears being fired if she tells you the truth. Especially if the truth might imply that she hadn’t done an adequate job caring for your child. For instance, she may allow the kid to stay up later than instructed, and then lie to you about when she put the child to bed.
- Money – Some sitters might exaggerate the difficulty they have in caring for your child in order to merit a higher rate of pay. If she makes it sound like your child is more of a handful than he really is, you might feel obliged to give her a raise.
- Shame – Another reason to lie about your child’s behavior might be to avoid embarrassment. She may prefer to keep it to herself if, say, Johnny locked her out of the house when she went out to her car for a moment.
- Boast – If your child really is a handful, she may lie about behavioral progress that he’s (not) making. It would hopefully give you the impression that she too is making progress, doing a better job at her job than she really is.
- Exaggerate – Your sitter may lie about your child’s behavior to one of her friends, if she were trying to get the friend to substitute for her. It would be a lot easier to get someone to babysit for her if she could convince them that the child is an angel.
- Defense – Of course, there’s also the possibility that a sitter might lie about a child’s behavior to another sitter. We all know what it’s like to get together with others in our own profession and trade war stories.
- Promote – A sitter might also lie to another prospective family in order to embellish her resume, so to speak. A family that’s looking for a new babysitter might be more inclined to hire someone who has experience getting children to behave.
These eight reasons are not unreasonable if you think about it. We all tell little white lies, especially about our jobs. As long as the babysitter doesn’t lie about anything major, it is fair to let a few exaggerations slip by. Only when it becomes a bad habit should you bring it up.
Taken From Babysitters10 Interesting Facts About the Etymology of the Nanny
Etymology is the study of a word’s origins and historical use, and the way that the definition of a word can evolve over time. Here are a few of the most interesting facts pertaining to the way that we use and define the word “nanny.”
- Unclear Origins – Etymologists disagree about the origin of the word “nanny” as we use it today. Some speculate that it’s derived from the Greek root nanna, which means aunt, while others maintain that the root language is “nursery speech.” (That’s a scientist’s way of saying “baby talk.”)
- It Used to Be an Impolite Term – “Nanny” has many meanings, and can refer to the name for a female goat, the Cajun word for “godmother”, and also as an antiquated nickname for the first name Anne. In addition to these esteemed uses, a “nanny-house” was a widely used eighteenth century slang term for a “brothel.”
- Nannies in India – During the British Raj, which refers to the period of British rule in India, most nannies that cared for English children were native to India and called ayah. The word is still commonly used on the Indian Subcontinent today, but has come to have a more general definition of “female servant” or “maid.”
- Nineteenth Century Nannies – The nineteenth-century equivalent of what we refer to as a nanny was then known as a “nurse.” She was in complete charge of the nursery suite, and usually had at least one assistant, called a “nursemaid,” under her supervision.
- Before They Were Nannies – In the “nurse” era of the nineteenth century, it was very common for a nanny to be such a prized member of the household that she stayed on the payroll for most of her life, caring for each generation of a noble family’s children.
- Politically Charged Usage – In more modern times, the word “nanny” has been appropriated by the politically-minded and used to describe policies and laws that they deem overprotective and restrictive. In this sense, the term “nanny state” is always used in a derogatory fashion.
- Mary Poppins – This beloved fictional character is such a glowing representation of the ideal nanny that her name has become synonymous with one. It’s not uncommon to hear parents gush about their superb childcare provider by calling her “a Mary Poppins.”
- Grandmothers and Nannies – In certain regions and cultures, most notably the Eastern part of the United States, Ireland and parts of Australia, “nanny” is a commonly accepted name for one’s grandmother.
- Today’s Nannies – The word “nanny” is still something of an ambiguous term, though we have a clear cultural grasp of the concept. Nannies can be college educated or not, old or young, male or female, and live with their charges or keep their own homes.
- Mannies – The latter part of the twentieth century saw the emergence of a new variation on this term with the surge in popularity of male nannies. Now called “mannies,” this term is widely used, but is not yet recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary.
No matter what name you use for them, great nannies have the ability to become an indispensable part of the families they work for, and loved by all family members.
Taken From Nanny10 Ways to Make Sure Your Blog Supports Semantic Search
Recently, Google announced yet another change to their search engine’s algorithm. It will now include what Google calls semantic search technology. Essentially what this means is that the search engine will be able to distinguish, to a degree, how a word with more than one meaning is being used within a search or on a web page. In order to best take advantage of this new development, here are ten ways you can make sure your blog supports semantic search:
- Key phrases – The most useful thing you can do as a webmaster is to make sure your key phrases are as site specific as possible. Search engines using semantic search should be able to find you using the phrases that users are likely to use.
- Test Siri’s intelligence – Since semantic search uses artificial intelligence similar to Apple’s Siri, it would be a good idea to test whether Siri queries are able to locate your website. Enlist the help of users whose devices are equipped with Siri to do some searches with her and see if she “suggests” your website.
- Keywords – Semantic search intends to identify not just keywords, but the meanings behind the words themselves. SEO improvement will involve making sure that the keywords you’re using on your site are relevant to the content in order to rank highly in a semantic search.
- Test questions – Use natural language, and in question form, to do test searches. See how highly your website ranks in answering those questions. Is it providing content that a user would be looking for?
- Be informative – Using semantic search technology, search engines like Google will begin to provide information about a search topic in their search results, and not just a best guess on where to find the keywords used. That means your website needs to be at least as informative for the user as the search page itself.
- Test Google Assistant’s intelligence – When Google’s answer to Siri, Google Assistant, launches on Android devices later in the year that will be the gold standard you’ll want to use to test your website’s ranking for search criteria. Test to make sure your website comes up when GA is asked questions related to whatever is the purpose of your site.
- Complex language – Your website’s content should be such that if a user were to use a long-string search query, they could still find you. Use more complex language when doing test searches to sample your site’s ranking.
- Define your niche – Now more than ever, websites will need to fill a niche that makes them unique in some way. Your site will need to address questions asked by users in their search queries in a way that can’t be surmised by artificial intelligence and answered within the search results page.
- Relevant advertising – Advertisers are already using semantic search technology to find suitable websites for their ads. A good test of whether your website supports semantic search is to evaluate the relevance of the ads placed on it, or even whether your website is getting enough ads.
- Useful databases – Use databases like Freebase to identify the schemas used to gather the kind of information that your website is attempting to provide. Then you can incorporate them into your website’s content.
10 Ways to Save the World one Internet Connection at a Time
Evidence of the power of the internet is everywhere. From the impact of social media to the outreach programs that have changed lives around the world, there has never been a more potent tool for global influence available to the common man. You don’t have to look far to find ways to save the world with the internet. Here’s a list of ten of them:
- Human Rights Watch – HRW provides timely information about human rights crises and developments in 90 countries around the world. You can follow them here on Twitter.
- Save the Children – Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change for children who are in need, both in the United States and around the world. Working in more than 120 different countries, this organization also delivers assistance to parents, teachers and caregivers.
- – A website whose stated purpose is: “Using the power of online to get teens to do good stuff offline.” From book drives to the bully project, Do Something offers venues through which teens can impact their world positively through doing something good.
- – The impetus behind is to establish an organizing platform from which people who want to affect change in their world, whether it’s locally or globally or both, can launch a campaign.
- World Food Programme – WFP is the food aid arm of the United Nations system. Their mission is to eradicate hunger and poverty around the world, and visitors are able to donate from their website here, or join an online community.
- Ashoka – Founded in 1980, this organization is rooted by a fundamental vision to empower individuals to address societal issues, innovate for change, and develop the confidence they need to see that they have the power to do so.
- Good – What is Good? We’ll let them explain: We are people, businesses, moms, kids, artists, organizations, policymakers, students, teachers, and engineers. All united in one simple idea, each elevated by being connected. Let’s do what works and never default to what doesn’t. Join us, and together we’ll power what works.
- Kiva – You can literally lend a hand here. Well, some money anyway. As little as $25 to help change the world for someone in need. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of micro-finance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend to help create opportunity around the world.
- – A non-profit organization, they connect and support online activists to help them acquire the technology, media, and people to promote their missions. Grassroots activists are able to make real changes in their communities with their help.
- – A global online community that brings together social entrepreneurs and philanthropists in order to share resources, network, and motivate one another to affect change locally and globally.
50 Best iPad Apps for STEM Education
Despite early doubts, the iPad has proven to be an incredibly valuable tool for education, both in the classroom and in homes around America. By offering students, from elementary school all the way up to the university level, the chance to do some hands-on learning, exploring, and sometimes even educational gaming, the device makes education fun and exciting, something that isn’t always easy to do.
With schools falling behind in math and science education and companies unable to find enough qualified professionals to fill jobs in science and technology fields, pushing STEM education is more important than ever. Educators and parents can help get kids interested and perhaps even hooked on STEM no matter their age with the help of the iPad and the myriad great educational applications it offers. Here, we share some of the best applications for STEM education, and with selections that work for students of all ages and abilities, you’re bound to find something that’s the perfect companion to any STEM lesson.
These applications address STEM more generally or act as amazing tools and reference guides for learning.
- Mythbusters HD:
Fans of the Mythbusters TV show can get even more myth-busting action with this iPad app, filled with videos, games, and much more.
- Science Illustrated:
Get access to the great stories in Science Illustrated when you get this app, paired with a subscription to the magazine. Stories range from green tech to biology to anthropology, hitting on just about everything else in between, too.
- VideoScience:
Dan Menelly, a science teacher at the UN International School, provides the short videos at the center of this app, teaching students about all kinds of scientific concepts.
- Khan Academy:
Practice math, science, and computer science skills by watching the videos and completing the activities offered through the always-free Khan Academy.
- Seismograph:
Get a quick lesson in earthquakes by checking out this seismograph application that can help you to measure any vibration, shaking, or movement.
- iLab: Timer HD:
The ideal accompaniment to any lab work, this timer lets you easily time experiments with accuracy and record your results.
- Wolfram Alpha:
Wolfram Alpha is the ideal reference tool for problems in mathematics, statistics, physics, chemistry, engineering, astronomy, biology, computer science, and much more.
- Science Glossary:
Look up the names of famous scientists, scientific terms, and other essential information in this free reference application for iPhone and iPad.
- PLoS Reader:
Through the PLoS Reader app, learners can access articles from the seven academic journals published by the Public Library of Science.
- Exploriments:
Exploriments is all about providing students with fun, simulation-based learning units on science topics. Through their apps, students can learn about topics like motion, fluids, electrostatics, force, and electricity.
- Science 360:
The National Science Foundation provides this app, filled with science and engineering images, videos, and news from around the world.
Download one of these apps to start learning about biology, astronomy, medicine, or physics.
- The Ultimate Dinopedia:
The National Geographic Society has put together an incredible dinosaur reference tool in this application, letting paleontological enthusiasts of any age get a look at their favorite reptiles.
- 3D Sun:
Here, you’ll find an app that allows you fascinating access to information about our Sun, with a 3D view, satellite images from NASA, and the latest updates on solar activity.
- Moon Globe HD:
Explore the surface of the Moon with this amazing app. Interactive features allow users to zoom in, find out the name for lunar features, and more.
- Frog Dissection:
If a real-life dissection turns your stomach, then try out this digital version instead. It’s just as educational, but without all the frog carnage.
- Muscle System Pro II:
Gain a better understanding of how the muscles in the body work and how they’re all working together in this great anatomy app.
- Britannica Kids:
Encyclopedia Britannica has put out a great collection of apps for kids, covering topics like snakes, rainforests, the solar system, volcanoes, and dinosaurs.
- Molecules:
Get up close and personal with a molecule when you get this application. You can download molecules from the RCSB Protein Data Bank, and use the app to see them from all angles.
- Simple Physics:
This fun and engaging game will have kids of all ages dying to learn more about the principles of physics, as they solve a wide range of physics-related problems.
- The Elements: A Visual Exploration:
Elements is perhaps one of the most visually-striking apps available for the iPad. Through it, users can see amazing photos of the elements and get a look at the periodic table that’s truly unique.
- Pocket Universe: Virtual Sky Astronomy:
With this app, students can ask astronomy questions and get answers, as well as having the ability to track the planets and stars through the night sky.
- Planets:
This 3D guide to the solar system is the perfect tool for an aspiring astronomer, helping in learning the constellations, planets, and moons.
NASA provides a wealth of learning tools through its application. Download it to get access to loads of interactive features on the solar system, space exploration, and much more.
- Buzz Aldrin Portal to Science:
Astronaut Buzz Aldrin helps students of all ages learn more about space exploration, whether to the Moon or to Mars, in this must-see app.
- 3D Brain:
The human brain is an incredibly complex organ, but you can start learning the basics of how it functions with some help from this anatomy-focused application.
- OnScreen DNA Model:
Adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine have never looked better than in this application that lets students (and scientists) see models of DNA in great detail.
- GeneIndex HD:
Want to know what a certain gene is for? Then get this amazing reference tool, which lists information about every gene in humans, as well as offering news and scholarly articles on the subject.
- D. Bones:
D. Bones is the perfect way to teach younger learners about the human skeleton, with games, quizzes, and tutorials that make learning fun.
These iPad applications can be the perfect accompaniment for a course on web design or computer science.
- Computer Science and MIS:
For those who are just starting out in learning about computer science, this application will fill them in on the basics.
- PHP Cheat Sheet:
High school and college students will appreciate this reference app to help them with PHP programming.
- FTP on the Go:
Uploading websites and maintaining online information is a whole lot easier with this FTP app that lets you log into a server from anywhere.
- techBASIC:
Improve your knowledge of the BASIC programming language, by downloading and checking out this application.
- Textastic:
From HTML to Python, you’ll be able to do all the coding you need for web design courses right from your iPad.
From the professional level all the way down to the elementary level, these fun and practical engineering apps are among the best out there.
- Engineering Unit Conversion:
Make it easy to convert between units used in engineering by keeping this app on hand.
- Mechanical Engineer:
Want to pursue a career as a mechanical engineer? Then download this app. It’s loaded with more than 300 important mechanical engineering formulas and hundreds more conversions.
- Engineering Professional:
This app expands on the information found in the Mechanical Engineer app, adding formulas for chemical, civil, electrical, environmental, and hydrological engineering.
- Finger CAD:
You might not have the full function that other CAD programs offer, but this iPad app makes it fun to use your hands to draw everything from houses to bridges to simple geometric figures.
- TinkerBox:
This application is a great tool for teaching basic engineering concepts, asking students to play games created around physics and engineering problems.
- NASA Lunar Electric Rover Simulator:
Space enthusiasts young and old will appreciate this application from NASA. It allows users to get an idea of what it’s like to control a lunar rover, offering up a series of missions on the moon to complete.
- Geared:
Can you figure out the correct combination of gears to get this machine going? This fun and challenging game will steal hours of your time as you try to figure out increasingly more difficult mechanical puzzles.
- Paper Bridge:
In this educational game, players have to engineer a bridge that will carry vehicles from point A to point B, without collapsing.
- LEGO 4+ :
With this game, users can play with LEGOs without even having them on hand, building trucks, helicopters, and other vehicles to deliver cargo to a given destination, without getting derailed along the way.
Practice your math skills using some of these fun math games and learning tools.
- Math Ref:
Never wonder about conversions or the correct mathematical formulas again when you carry around this fully-featured reference application.
- Achiever!:
Teachers can make use of this educational app (it’s designed for schools only) that helps boost student performance in math and reading.
- Sector 33:
Developed by NASA’s Ames Research Center, this application asks players to use problem solving and math skills to ensure that a series of planes is safely landed at a very busy airport.
- Apollonius:
This interactive geometry software allows users to make geometric constructions that would normally require a compass, ruler, or other special tools.
- Motion Math:
Younger learners will get a fun but challenging look at fractions in this app from the Stanford School of Education.
- Mathstronaut:
Blast off to math mastery with Mathstronaut, an educational game that asks players to complete a variety of math puzzles in order to travel through space.
- Pop Math:
This incredibly popular math game is fun even for adults, asking players to pair up equations and their solutions at an ever faster pace.
- Math Ninja:
Ninjas make everything better, even math! This application is a fun way for learners to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division skills as they battle giant tomatoes and cat-bots.
7 College Trends That Should Stay in School
College is an amazingly special part of anyone’s life. After graduation, there’s nothing wrong with cherishing fond memories, maintaining lasting friendship, and utilizing the quality education you received while in college. But that doesn’t mean continuing to act like a college student is a good idea. In fact, there are some things about college that simply make no sense at any place or at any time other than college. Check out these seven college trends that should stay in school to see if you’re an offender.
Dressing alike:
One look around a typical college campus these days and you will see girls wearing bright Nike Tempo running shorts, XXL T-shirts, and Rainbow flip flops, or guys wearing Polo shirts, gray New Balance tennis shoes, and North Face fleeces. This "fratty" style might be cool during college, but unless you want to be mistaken for a clueless college kid after you’ve graduated, it’s time to retire these college clothes.
Excessive drinking:
Excessive drinking is a college trend that should stay in school and perhaps go away altogether. It’s possible to binge drink and party 24/7 while taking 12 hours and waiting tables in college, but as soon as you enter the working world, it’s time to scale back on your weekly benders. No matter how much you partied in college, things change when you start working the nine-to-five grind. Leave the beer dispensing football helmet in your college dorm room.
Depending on Mom and Dad:
While you’re in college, it’s completely normal to turn to Mom and Dad for help with school, living, and other expenses. The tough job market has led many college grads to move home and live off of their parents until they can find work. If you’re one of the lucky ones who can move back home while you search for a job, don’t take this for granted. Depending on Mom and Dad is a college trend that should end as soon as possible. If you can, get a part-time job and pay your parents for rent, help out with groceries and cleaning, and be considerate of their generosity. And for goodness’ sake, when you get a job and save up enough money, move out or stop asking them for money!
Abusing stimulant meds:
College kids are notorious for abusing stimulant prescription drugs like Adderall and Ritalin to stay up late while studying. This "study drug" is also used recreationally to stay up late to party. But after college, abusing pharmaceuticals for the sake of partying is no longer cool, if it ever was. Instead, most adults focus on efficiently organizing their time in order to avoid all-nighters. After all, improper use and obtainment of pharmaceuticals without a legitimate prescription is illegal, and getting in trouble with the law wasn’t even cool in college.
Sleeping in until late in the afternoon:
Sleeping until 3 p.m. might have been your standard wake-up time in college, but wasting the day away sleeping is not as cool in the real world. Instead of partying ’til the wee hours of the morning, try calling it a night at a decent time so you can get up and doing something productive with your day. This bad habit of staying up late and getting up late will certainly mess up your sleeping schedule for the week. Get to bed at a decent hour and utilize as many daylight hours as you possibly can. You may even come to realize that, like your parents, you actually enjoy getting up early and being productive.
Constant defiance/protesting:
College is really the last time you can be defiant and not be judged for your rebelliousness. Whether it’s your promiscuity or your love for protesting, these trends are typically frowned upon after you graduate. You don’t have to completely sell out to the man, but skipping out on work to picket rising commodity costs in Uzbekistan is probably less acceptable after college than during.
Wild hairstyles:
Mohawks, pink highlights, and hair down to your derriere. Wild and crazy hairstyles are best left in college. Even if you work in the most laid-back industry and think it represents your personality, wild hairstyles are not appropriate for the working world. This doesn’t mean you can’t express yourself through your style, just save it for the runway or the club.
10 Most Impressive College Farmers Markets
Kapiolani Community College Farmers Market:
It might be surprising that a farmers market could survive in a tropical paradise where you can cut fruit straight from the tree and eat it. But this market at Kapiolani Community College in Honolulu hasn’t just survived, it has thrived. In fact, it’s become a must-do activity for anyone traveling to Oahu. All food is Hawaiian-grown, from the tropical jams to the Kalua pork sliders to the macadamia nut pesto pizza. The place is always crowded on Saturdays, so get there early when it opens at 7:30 a.m. and enjoy a breakfast of Akamai oatcakes.
The College of San Mateo Farmers Market:
Thanks to the friendly climate of sunny California, this market at the College of San Mateo is open “year round, rain or shine,” and twice a week to boot. Every Wednesday and Saturday, area farmers bring their freshly harvested fruits and vegetables, many of them organic, as well as nuts, fresh-cut flowers, and more. Regulars rave about the chocolate croissants and other pastries at the Brioche Bakery, and the kettle-cooked popcorn at Roli Roti’s food truck. Even if you’re just there to browse, the friendly vendors and the live music help make this market a fun outing and one of the best markets on the West Coast.
UC Davis Farmers Market:
Once known as the East Quad Market, the people behind the newly-named UC Davis Farmers Market want to see students eat better but “have more fun than walking the produce aisle.” Every Wednesday from April to mid-June, the Silo Union on campus will be packed with raw and prepared food vendors, beer and wine vendors, live musicians, face-painters, clowns, health-food lovers, and students with meal plans. Popular items include the apple cider, spinach bolani, and Japanese pears, not to mention the free samples to be had all over the place.
Portland Farmers Market at Portland State University:
Every Saturday from mid-March to nearly Christmas, PSU hosts this branch of the Portland Farmers Market group between the Hall and Montgomery buildings. Patrons stroll through the park under shady trees as they peruse the freshly plucked fruits, vegetables, and flowers from nearby farms. Of course, they’ve got plenty for the dairy lovers as well, with a rich assortment of cheeses, meats and yogurts, much of it organic. It’s Portland, so you’ll want to get some just-landed salmon, and throw in some gluten-free bakery items for dessert.
Duke Farmers Market:
This April, Duke University kicked off the 12th season of its farmers market, an impressive feat in itself. To celebrate, the market is running a theme of “Local Foods, Global Flavors,” highlighting recipes from countries around the world that feature different fruits and vegetables each week and offering a cookbook of those recipes. But every Friday through July, then every other Friday through September, customers can still count on fresh produce grown on school-owned land or on one of more than a dozen other local farms. For busy faculty and their families, there’s the Duke Mobile Farmers Market that makes buying local meat and produce a snap.
Berea College Farmers Market:
Agriculture has been a staple at Berea College for over a century. Through the Berea College Farm and the college Gardens and Greenhouse, students learn how to raise their own produce and livestock. Some of the produce is sent to the school’s food services or area restaurants, and the rest is sold here at the Berea Farmers Market. On Saturday mornings and Tuesday evenings year-round, students and members of the community can find USDA-certified organic produce, stone-ground corn and flour, steroid-free beef, pork, and chicken, and more.
College of the Canyons Farmers Market:
Apparently you can’t throw a rock in California without hitting a farmers market tent. Health-conscious Valencia residents come to this community college on Sundays from 8:30-12, rain or shine, for the “certified” farmers market hosted here. As part of the Ventura County Certified Farmers’ Market Association (VCCFMA), the vendors pride themselves on offering pesticide-free, organic, and hydroponic produce. Bring your reusable grocery bag and stock up on free-range eggs, Persian cucumbers, and unpolished fuji apples. The hummus and pita get rave reviews, as do the fresh berries from Pudwill Farms, and of course, the kettle corn.
The Farmers Market at Harvard:
Not to be confused with the Harvard Farmers Market in the town of Harvard, this operation is overseen by Dining Services at the famous university in Cambridge. Running from June 19 through October from noon to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays on the science center lawn, the market serves as students’ spot for not just local produce, but also cool features like chef demos and lessons from vendors on working with vegetables you’ve never heard of, like pattypan squash. The market also helps the community by accepting food stamps and WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) vouchers, a state nutrition program.
OSU-OKC Farmers Market:
It turns out the farmer and the cowboy can be friends after all. (Get it? Because they’re the OSU Cowboys? Moving on…) The market was started by OSU’s Dining Services in summer 2010 to give students and the public access to local products. Throughout the year, the Student Union Plaza is alive with local vendors peddling such healthy fare as organic beef and chicken, grass-fed lamb, buffalo meat, fresh buttermilk, and all the fruit and veggies one college student could eat. There’s also a range of unique, handmade wares like candles, jewelry, baskets, and skin care products.
Healthy Carolina Farmers Market, University of Southern Carolina:
This weekly market on the USC campus was launched in fall of 2008 as part of the school’s program to encourage student health. Since that time, the market has steadily grown in popularity to the point where about 1,000 shoppers come by each Tuesday. The staff keeps students coming back by hosting fun activities each week, like cooking demonstrations, a chance to have a photo taken with the school mascot, and a “bike to market” day where patrons can get a free bike tune-up and win prizes.
10 Totally Surprising Celebrity School Superlatives
Sometimes a kid just has that "it," and everyone knows he's going to make the big time. There are those lucky few who never had an awkward phase, or who were always blowing people away with their talent at a young age. For these people who are now celebrities, it's no big shock to hear they were named "most handsome" or "most likely to succeed" in their high school yearbook. But sometimes the personas we associate with certain celebrities were yet to be recognized in their school days. Here are 10 celebrities who were dubbed with surprising superlatives by their schoolmates.
Michael Jackson, Shyest:
He was The King Of Pop. Five of his albums debuted at No. 1 in the U.S. His Thriller album is the biggest-selling record of all time. And yet, after two years at Montclair College Preparatory School in Van Nuys, Calif., Michael Jackson was listed as "Shyest" in the school's 1976 yearbook, years after becoming known as the star of The Jackson 5. He is also listed in the yearbook as "Best Dressed" and "Most Creative," but no real surprises there.
Tom Cruise, Least Likely to Succeed:
Because his father was constantly moving the family as he looked for work, Tom Cruise attended 15 different schools over 12 years. Maybe that's why his classmates at one of his schools did not know who they were dealing with when they voted him "Least Likely to Succeed." For more than 25 years he's been one of Hollywood's most bankable stars, with his movies grossing billions of dollars worldwide. As he said in a recent interview, "I decided that I’m going to create, for myself, who I am, not what other people say I should be."
Kim Kardashian, Most Likely to Meet Her Husband at the Million Man March:
Apparently Kim Kardashian went to school with some really catty witches. At Marymount High School, a private, all-girls Catholic school in Bel Air, young Kim was named "Most Likely to Meet Her Husband at the Million Man March," as well as "Most Likely to Lie About Her Ethnicity." Yes, she was so concerned with hiding her background she started a reality TV show featuring her entire family. As for the Million Man March thing, about a zillion magazine covers beg to differ with your assessment of Kim's attractiveness to males.
Robin Williams, Least Likely to Succeed:
Another world-famous celebrity and another way off "Least Likely to Succeed." In 1969 it was Robin Williams' turn to receive the ignominious mantle, in his senior year at Redwood High School in Marin County, Calif.. In the school's defense, it was the only year Williams attended Redwood. His track coach still refers to Williams as being "kind of quiet" when he was a student. But soon after graduation, Williams set off on the course that would see him to an Academy Award, two Emmys, five Grammys, and four Golden Globes.
Gillian Anderson, Most Likely to be Arrested:
If you had to guess which X-Files agent was voted "Class Clown" in high school, you'd go with Mulder, right? Turns out the woman behind no-nonsense agent Dana Scully was not only a prankster in her teenage years, Gillian Anderson was voted "Most Bizarre" and "Most Likely to be Arrested" by her peers at City High School in Grand Rapids, Mich. The latter turned out to be spot-on: she was arrested and jailed the night of her graduation for gluing the locks on the school doors. Fortunately she was able to charm the cops into reducing the crime to trespassing.
Erin Brockovich, Least Likely to Succeed:
It's really hard to become famous for being an environmental activist. Leo DiCaprio has acting, and Al Gore has inventing the Internet, but Erin Brockovich became famous by helping bring a lawsuit against a polluting power company. According to her classmates at Lawrence High School in Kansas, she should not have been successful in this undertaking. But she was, winning $333 million for the plaintiffs. And as the president of her own consulting firm, she clearly plans to continue defying that negative superlative.
Colt Ford, Biggest Flirt:
Colt Ford is an up-and-coming player on the country rap scene. His fourth album will be released soon, and he hangs out with Lady Antebellum and Jason Aldean. He recently told an interviewer that he was named "Biggest Flirt" at his Georgia high school. If you've seen Ford, you know this is kind of surprising. The guy, shall we say, eats well. He also has some facial hair that permanently looks like he decided to get rid of his goatee and shaved the chin, then decided he wanted to keep the goatee after all. Long story short, he's not what you picture when you hear the word "flirt."
Sylvester Stallone, Most Likely To End Up in the Electric Chair:
Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone attended the private Notre Dame Academy in Philadelphia in the late '50s. It was here that Sly says he was appallingly named "Most Likely To End Up in the Electric Chair." This assessment was made not by fellow students, but by teachers. Imagine! Adult educators predicting a middle school kid will end up being executed by electricity. We get that he's a tough-looking guy, but come on now, Notre Dame. You're better than that.
Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman, Least Likely to Succeed:
We're counting Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman together because they shared the "Least Likely to Succeed" stigma at the Pasadena Playhouse in California, their alma mater. It doesn't seem to have bothered them; Hoffman now says, "We fully expected to be failures for our entire life." Of course, failure was not in the cards. At the Academy Awards in 1968, the two were in attendance as nominees: Hackman for Best Supporting Actor and Hoffman for Best Actor. They've been two of the most prolific and accomplished actors in Hollywood ever since.
Kevin Federline, Most Likely to be on America's Most Wanted:
First off, let's acknowledge that Kevin Federline's net worth is estimated at $6,000,000. He reportedly only got $1 million in his divorce from Britney Spears, meaning he's parlayed being Mr. Britney Spears into a $5 million gig. So it was a little unfair for Federline's peers at Tenaya Middle School in Fresno, Calif. to predict he would one day be on America's Most Wanted. Yes, he looks the part. But to be "wanted" would mean he'd have to initially elude cops after committing a crime, and we're not so sure he could pull that off.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Mexican Spring #YoSoy132
- May 30 13:50 They report a gas leak in Santa Cecilia, Tlalnepantla, there is intoxicated
- May 30 13:50 attributes to violence EPN 10% drop in tourist arrivals in recent years
- May 30 13:46 IFE Projects opinion no to request for discussion of national chain
- May 30 13:44 'Take' teachers CNTE Department of Education in Michoacán
- May 30 13:36 They say more than six tons of marijuana in Tamaulipas
- IFE projects in opinion 'no' to request a discussion of national chain
- PRI will require investigating alleged 'pass tray' for AMLO
- Political pettiness, accusing unsubstantiated misuse of social programs: SEDESO
- Temporarily cease 2 judges and 2 judges of BC for alleged corruption
- Request PGR rooting against Eduardo Rodriguez, an alleged straw men of Yarrington
- # YoSoy132 meeting starts at CU interuniversity
- IFE gives starting signal to the distribution of election materials
- EU condemns attacks in Guanajuato and Michoacan Sabritas
- AMLO proposed 6% increase and create 1 million jobs per year 200 000
- Teachers Protest in Oaxaca and Guerrero in diplomatic
- Mobilization of young people, the television will debate: AMLO
- IFE: danger of a cyber attack on election day
# YoSoy132 meeting starts at CU interuniversity
Posted: 30/05/2012 11:57
The boys warn youth and woke up and not stop until you achieve your dreams.
"Welcome to the day when together we can change the balance and the course of our time. We want to change the ignorance of conscience, freedom imposition, violence for peace".
"We are more than 132, we are thousands, singing, screaming, dreaming, moving. We are waking up to those who are asleep, the apathetic, the corrupt, the manipulators, the rulers who want to continue to swell the pockets of money. It is time for change. "
"This is an earthquake, a wave, a burst that will not stop until our desires are fulfilled. We want democracy, unity, justice, peace, freedom, education. We want to be free, which means we do not impose their lies, all have access to information and happiness. "
Thus, the asambleaÃstas discuss a plan of action for the coming weeks, as the cornerstones of their political position as a movement # YoSoy132.
After a first meeting, these and other issues will be addressed in different working groups and later a second meeting which set out the conclusions of the day and plan of action for the coming weeks.
- # YoSoy132rebeldechecheno# YoSoy132 please DO NOT become a movement of "dialogue table" in "working groups" let this continue to be spontaneous, as it meets its mission, which is returned from whence it came.Reply to this comment
- exact ...PETER WALLSagree, if they cease to be expontaneos, they will end up being controlled by the power group of the country, so being expontaneos, this group of power, will not know where they will react, even when sending spies, hahaha, GIVE YOUR, plantense in each box to sign national results, subanlos to youtube or other networks, and so we can all count vote by vote, and if it falls on a CYBER-FRAUD, oh sorry a cyber-attack, the people have the results is a we as a people have control, echenle tatema, planned is controllable, it exponateneo not vest, think, not of the lot. are the only hope we have as Mexicans, you young, nomas not control them, other than a pyramid-type organization,, which is transversal (that is the idea of organized crime, but can be used for good, that if control a leader is going to chori and others follow, the control must have all youth, not just one, because so control him.Reply to this comment
- I'm # 132jose luisCongratulations guys do not leave half what we started and do not put leaders will not want to cut heads who do not agree with the movement and the leaders are all one voiceReply to this comment
- on el132Eduardo PerezBarbaI get the impression that the ITAM are going to the PRI. Do not be influenced. A grassroots movement is no more PRI, to go against the dinosaurs. I hope to keep it upReply to this comment
- commentjorge hernandezPLEASE YOUNG, ALL IS OK, BUT NOT BURNING, BUT THERE ARE REASONS "EVEN" STRONGER ... NOT REALLY ... ABUSED THAT BURNING CARTRIDGES DO NOT USE ... THE PEOPLE "UP" is very skilled and UDES REALIZE OR.Change to lower caseReply to this comment
- The originsLeobardo LopezImportantly, this move came in protest to the suspicion of an imposition of epn by madios, take it to the do is subtract credibility to this movement. Do not be manipulated estdiantes must continue protesting the non-taxation is not yet given this evil plot.Reply to this comment
- Audit computing IFE systemDavidHello: One of the first actions is to have a group of academic computing experts to review the counting system of the IFE and sold them the brother of Claderón: HildebrandReply to this comment
- young and futureprofugodelaredThe first step already given and the results are more than excellent! now complicated: they will do to transform this country? the old have experience we could not change the status quo. We need your strength, imagination, openness and heart to democratize political life. It is difficult to organize but so far have done well. Consider upheld at all times and remember that you can be at this time CHANGE responsible for the fate of millions of Mexicans. RegardsReply to this comment
- systematization necessaryCydoniaI think they must organize their actions or end up being a flash in the pan like other movements that barely recall or remember very well how easy it was dismantled.Companions alive! Organize and go beyond!Reply to this comment
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